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LETTER – Comox council reminds letter writer of the Sunday comics

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

Does anyone remember the old days when we used to get a comics page in our newspapers? There are still the Sunday funnies in some papers. It was always fun to start the day with a chuckle. Well, for me, the chuckle is still there as I open the paper and read about the Comox council holding a public hearing for the proposed development at 695 Aspen Rd.

The history of Comox council is to have the public hearing because they legally have to, not because they respect or consider what Comox residents actually feel or want for their town. The process is laughable.

Anyone remember the Lorne Hotel project? A public hearing was held, the majority of the town’s residents were against the project, yet council went ahead and approved a bylaw change to allow the project. And look what’s there on the main corner of Comox. A weed-riddled parking lot. Well done, councillors. Why don’t you do something about passing a bylaw to force the owner to develop this lot? Better use of your time.

And Derek Constantinos’s quote made me chuckle. He made pretty much the same comments during the Lorne public hearing. I was there. Of course he wants wholesale building in Comox. He’s a Realtor. He wants inventory; no ulterior motive there.

To the residents of the Aspen area, I feel bad for you, but don’t expect this council to take your concerns into consideration. They simply do not care what the residents of Comox want for their town. And history bears this out.

So, yes, the antics of the Comox council give me a chuckle like the funny papers. Unfortunately, the ultimate decisions they make are not funny.

Barb Tribe,


Comox Valley Record