LETTER: Comox has no right to ban the retail sale of cannabis

LETTER: Comox has no right to ban the retail sale of cannabis

Bylaw 1880 would prohibit the retail sale of cannabis in all zones in the town of Comox

Dear editor,

I trust that all Comox residents noted the relatively small part of the full page notice in The Record concerning proposed zoning amendments for Comox.

I am referring to Bylaw 1880 which would “prohibit the retail sale of cannabis in all zones in the Town of Comox.” The public hearing will be held at d’Esterre House on April 4 at 7 pm.

I’ m not sure how most Comox residents feel about having their local council members decide that they will not be able to locally purchase a legal (as of July 1) product but I sure know how I feel and my council members will surely hear my views.

Cannabis and its social and health concerns has been studied ad infinitum since the Le Dain commission made its conclusions over 50 years ago.

I certainly applaud my federal government for finally legalizing possession of a proven non-addictive and beneficial substance that makes life more tolerable and enjoyable for many people with various conditions. I most certainly cannot support that my local council should have the power to make me have to travel to a community where local jurisdictions will (and already have) assume that their local residents should be able to purchase a legal product in a local store.

John McNamee


Comox Valley Record