COVID-19. (Image courtesy CDC)

LETTER – Comox Valley doctors send open letter to residents imploring continued caution

'There have been a number of cases in the Comox Valley.'

Dear editor,

The following is a message to our community from the Comox Valley Division of Family Practice.

As you’ve seen, the COVID numbers in the Province are increasing dramatically, leading to lockdowns on the Lower Mainland, and an instruction to us to effectively not leave the Island except for essential reasons.

This does not mean we are safe from escalating numbers of COVID – it is not a problem happening only across the Strait. Active COVID cases have increased on the Island at least 4-fold in as many weeks, and the rate of increase is now accelerating – with 41 cases this past weekend alone. Community transmission has returned to the Island – cases are no longer cropping up from people travelling off Island but are coming from people in our communities. There have been a number of cases in the Comox Valley.

This pandemic is tough, tough on all of us. We are tired of it, just as you are. Tired of having to work in a different way, having to reduce social contacts, having to wear masks, and feeling the fear and frustration of our community. However, we are very lucky compared to many in BC, and in the world. We have a wealth of outdoor activities at our fingertips, we can socialize in our safe six, and we can go out to stores and restaurants.

We can only continue to do these things if we all choose to act responsibly. Now is the time if we wish to avoid further restrictions on our lifestyle. We have to follow the guidance from public health, as boring and frustrating as this is becoming. Our plea to you is:

• Consider staying at home with only your own household more often.

• Wear a mask indoors.

• Physically distance from others, even when wearing a mask.

• Wash or sanitize your hands frequently.

• Avoid touching your face.

• Stick to your household and safe six – these are people who only socialize within your group – not in multiple groups of six and even then, try and minimize your time indoors with your group.

• If you can, socialize outside – remember our BC lifestyle, “there is no bad weather, just bad clothing!”

• Be kind and tolerant – respect the need for the way we are living now and be kind to those that are asked to enforce it.

These rules are for all of us, if we don’t all follow them then they won’t work.

This is our only path through this winter.

Thank you,

Dr. Adam Thompson

COVID-19 Spokesperson

Comox Valley Division of Family Practice

Comox Valley Record