LETTER – Comox Valley Transition Society planning to restart Men’s Group in September

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

The June 9 edition of The Record included a story about a local Men’s Group. Unfortunately, the article gave the wrong location for the group; it is in fact hosted by Comox Valley Transition Society.

Men’s Group was started by the Transition Society in 2015 in recognition of the fact that men who wish to work on their relationships do not have many options unless they can afford private counselling or have access to extended benefits through their workplaces. Although the group has been on hold due to COVID, the plan is to re-start in September. Men’s Group is free and is open to men committed to work on their relationships, whether with an intimate partner, with other family members, in their workplace, or with themselves.

Men who would like to be notified when Men’s Group starts up again are welcome to call Comox Valley Transition Society at 250-897-0511.

Anne Davis,


Comox Valley Record