LETTER: Concerns about ferry far-fetched

From reader Adrien Burton...

LETTER: Concerns about ferry far-fetched

Re: “The ferry is our lifeline?” from Tom Lymbery, July 8, 2016;

The scenario Mr. Lymbery presents is far-fetched. He states that a long-awaited medical appointment in Nelson for an East Shore resident could fail to be made in case of avalanche hazard closing two mountain passes and backing up the ferry.

This situation occurs very rarely and the likelihood that it would happen on one’s critical appointment day is very low.

Besides, relocation of the terminal would do nothing to preclude these circumstances.

Also, let it be noted that under the new proposal, summer sailing intervals would actually be longer than they are now: one hour compared to fifty minutes with only one ferry in service.

This would create greater back-ups than we currently experience in the high-traffic season.

Adrien Burton, Queen’s Bay

Nelson Star