Letter connects dots in opposition to Coulter Berry

The writer is correct that the claim connecting building mass to viability of the coffee business is suspect.

Editor: With reference to the letter “Connect the beans — plenty of coffee outlets in Fort Langley” (The Times, Feb. 25), it certainly connected the dots in the Wendel’s-related court action against Langley Township over the Coulter Berry building.

The writer is correct that the claim connecting building mass to viability of the coffee business is suspect.

The wonderful new coffee shop in the Township’s waterfront commercial space is already a big hit. The pending expansion of another “bean” shop into the Coulter Berry building sounds exciting, too.

But if I were selling lattes, I’d be more concerned about the number of competitors, than claiming the height of a building will reduce coffee demand.

This claim is clearly about economics and not architecture. It begs the question, really, would a one-storey building with Starbucks be more welcome?

Doug MacLaren,

Fort Langley

Langley Times