Letter: Conservatives morphing into Republicans

[When first elected] Harper had no more experience than Justin Trudeau who the Conservatives continue to suggest is “Not Ready.”

To the editor:

First let me confess that I helped elect Kim Campbell (Progressive Conservative) as Prime Minister at the national convention in Ottawa as a delegate many years ago and also helped elect Steven Harper (Conservative) eight years ago in a much reduced role.

Incidentally I see quite a difference between the old Progressive Conservatives and the current Conservatives. At that time Harper had no more experience than Justin Trudeau who the Conservatives continue to suggest is “Not Ready.” But we needed a change then as we do now.

I originally started voting Conservative in my early years following my mother’s influence who was Conservative, versus my father’s liberalism as I liked her much better than my father. It may sound trivial but we all start down a certain political path and in most cases it is probably a reflection of our households when we are in formative years.

Today as a retired vice-president of one of Canada’s largest financial institutions, spending half the year in the USA, I see so many unfortunate comparisons to the Republicans in the US which scares me for our future.

The shift of our judges through tampering with the selections process is the last straw.

I trust many of you will get out and vote to effect some much needed change in our direction for this country.


Michael Smith, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News