LETTER: Conspiracy against livestock owners?

In regard to recent letters pertaining to the care of the horses. They are not abused or neglected. We know they are properly cared for.


Re: Preventing animals from suffering and Condition concerns for animals (letters in the Oct. 17 and Sept. 19 issues of the Grand Forks Gazette respectively)

In regard to the two letters in the last few issues pertaining to the care of the horses.

They are not abused or neglected. We know they are properly cared for. Farm animals are not household pets.

Did J. Thomasson see the inside of that so-called “moldy hay,” or was it perhaps hearsay?

Perhaps there is a conspiracy against livestock owners. Take for example, the Gilpin range. It seems to us priority is given to all the animals in the wild.

Also, when it comes to polluting the water, why is it always the livestock? How about bear, bighorn sheep, elk and deer to name a few?

Just outside of Grand Forks, there is a herd of about 50 bighorn sheep.

They have no regard for fences, grazing and watering on private property. Their water also run down to the river.

Pardon us, but what are they not doing what our livestock would do?

Pete and Gladys De Haan, Grand Forks

Grand Forks Gazette