Cloverdale-Langley City MP Tamara Jansen is being criticized for her recent comments on homosexuality. (file)

LETTER: Constituent speaks out about Cloverdale-Langley City MP’s record on inclusivity

Local resident is calling for clearer separation of church and state

Dear Editor,

[Re: Cloverdale-Langley City MP draws criticism over conversion therapy debate comments,, April 25]

This woman, this bible spouting woman, is my MP, voted in in the Fraser Valley bible belt of B.C. This woman also believes the world is only 6,000 years old and probably believes that Jesus had a pet dinosaur.

For her, or any Member Of Parliament, to be spouting religious quotes in our Parliament or in committees is anathema to the separation of religion and government. She was elected to represent everyone in her riding, and not use it as her goal to spout her bible and religious views.

She also spoke against MAiD, the Medical Assistance in Death bill (also known as Dying with Dignity) which gave people further choices in managing their own deaths.

She is also the MP who gleefully spouted against PMJT [Prime Minister Justin Trudeau] about his ‘blackface’ past mistakes and when the press tried to ask her why, as a person of Dutch background, she was involved with traditional Christmas parties on her farm, complete with Black Pietr’s, she did not condemn the practice, and she was unavailable to the press. She has never spoken to it.

She is not fit to be a representative for all persons in the riding of Cloverdale-Langley City. Her decisions are clouded by her religious beliefs over the good for all.

Loni Eliot, Langley City


• READ MORE: Jansen invokes 2000 Trudeau encounter with reporter during gender violence debate

• READ MORE: Approval of expanded medical assistance in dying law blasted by Cloverdale-Langley City MP Tamara Jansen

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