LETTER: Continued events and education may spur Langley into action

Editor: I am a Grade 10 student from Walnut Grove Secondary school. For my July writing project, I studied the issue of teen homelessness in Langley.

As I read different articles and papers and held interviews regarding the problem, I realized its seriousness. I was surprised to learn of these challenges here in Langley.

In my family, while growing up in Taiwan, when relatives visited from all over the world, even though the household was cramped it included everyone.

No one was ever left out. This family value increased my interest in studying this local issue further.

During the research process, I interviewed individuals from different government levels: Liberal Member of Parliament Cloverdale-Langley City, John Aldag, Township councillor,  Charlie Fox, and community youth advocate, Corey Reid.

The federal government of Canada is focusing on programs that will assist homeless youth such as: housing, employment and justice reform. However, Mr. Aldag says, “It’s a challenge to find the right program at a right time for a specific individual.”

One of the most recent programs in Langley is the youth HUB where I met youth advocate Corey Reid.

During a quick tour around the HUB on July 21, there were up to 15 teenagers utilizing the service between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m.

I felt extremely blessed to see volunteers preparing dinner and providing help for the teenagers in need.

Coun. Fox said that people should “get educated about youth homelessness, “demonstrate support” and “become an advocate.”

Langley citizens can support the teen homeless issue by attending two upcoming events: the Home Depot’s Orange Door Day Event in September and an outdoor concert being organzied at the Langley Events Centre by the Langley School District on Sept. 23.

Hopefully these events will spur Langley into action and together we can make a significant impact on the teen homelessness problem in Langley. No one will be left out.

Demi Hung,

Grade 10 student,

Walnut Grove Secondary School

Langley Times