Letter: Council fails

The council report card’s are a joke right? April 1 is too early.

The council report card’s are a joke right? April 1 is too early.

At best they deserve an F for ignoring not hundreds, but thousands and thousands of citizens, of Penticton residents, in the most divisive item to come before council.

When the town council totally ignores it’s voters, to the tune of thousands, there is something gone totally awry in Wallie World.   Councillors rating themselves is letting the fox loose in the henhouse.  Would  they rate themselves with an F? It would be laughable if it wasn’t so ridiculous.

More people are against this council and  in turn Trio than in any given previous council histories. Give yourself a shake mayor and councillors.

I’m giving you a large F for failure to listen to your constituents, and bulldozing along regardless.

Georges and Cheryl Jansen




Penticton Western News