Letter writer Tom Prior says the city of Nelson shouldn’t limit who can sell pot. (File photo)

Letter writer Tom Prior says the city of Nelson shouldn’t limit who can sell pot. (File photo)

LETTER: Council shouldn’t impede recreational cannabis sales

Everyone should get to play, not just the chosen few, says letter writer

Re: Nelson City Council proposed moratorium for recreational cannabis sales.

This is the West Kootenays. We have some of the best pot growers and breeders in the world. For Nelson city to limit who can sell pot in Nelson will not stand up in court when recreational weed is legal.

This is Canada, thank goodness and I trust if pot is legal, we should be all able too play ball. Canadians are serious about fair laws concerning the free market or capitalist democracy. Everyone should get to play, not just the chosen few.

The current mayhem about sick weed prescription is a pitiful way for laws to be abused. Most people that smoke weed like to smoke. They should not be forced to consider themselves sick to be above the law. It is ridiculous. We cannot continue to push logic out of the equation of sensible law creation. Nelson city council has, like Vancouver, condoned some medical pot shops.

Council has played a political part in the impending end of recreational weed access. Now the city is proposing to limit competition when recreational weed use is legal?

I doubt it. To what end should they limit the free market to six people in Nelson. Give your head a shake. Our democracy depends on open markets that create better competition, which means better prices for consumers.

Tom Prior,


Nelson Star