Letter: Councillors have vision on Brookswood’s future

Dear Editor,

I would like to thank Councillor Charlie Fox for putting forward his motion on Monday, July 25 to end the Brookswood OCP planning update process.

At first I could not see what good could come of the motion, but after watching his fellow councillors speak on the subject on the Township meeting video, what I saw was very encouraging.

Each of the councillors showed an underlying unity in carrying on towards developing a positive working updated OCP for Brookswood.

I believe that their replies to the motion put forward by Coun. Fox will help clear up confusion in the public mind about where the individual council members stand on planning for the future and their ability to ultimately work together.

To me their responses showed faith in the Township planning department’s skills and also gave hope that with hard work by council and positive input from the public, the updated plan can be a reality, without which, the 1987 OCP will be our guide for the future.

I would strongly suggest that anyone affected by having an updated Brookswood OCP watch the video.

Hear the words of Coun. Quaale explaining the fact that schools and hospital planning are not included in an OCP.

And listen to Coun. Whitmarsh as he eloquently explains the reality of continuing the work of today while planning for the future.

Each councillor may have different overall views on how to achieve the updated OCP but I believe the video shows that council is prepared to work hard together towards a good working plan.

I would urge the Brookswood public to work with council and our planning department towards achieving a positive plan for the future of Brookswood.

Marv Goble, Brookswood



Langley Advance