Snow gates on the city graders would prevent driveways from being blocked with large snowbanks after a snowfall. ADOBE STOCK IMAGE

LETTER – Courtenay resident tired of being ‘plowed in’ after snowstorms

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I have a complaint to city council regarding the snow removal process.

A request has been put forth to install hydraulic snow gates on the city graders when snow removal on collector roads is required.

Snow gates are hydraulic arms installed on the graders, which are dropped by the driver to keep snow from blocking driveways. That collected snow is then deposited between lots. This keeps driveways clear and passable. (See video)

This also allows for emergency vehicles to access driveways in the event of a medical emergency.

We have been told by city employees that there is no money in the snow budget for this. If that is so, then at least have a front-end loader follow the grader to clear taxpayers’ driveways.

The snow in the Comox Valley is very heavy and wet, and difficult to remove, especially after being blocked in five times in one day.

We pay for snow removal, not snow blockage.

This is something that could benefit everyone, not just the special interest groups.

Larry Spiece,


Comox Valley Record