The Portal homeless shelter in downtown Chilliwack is dealing with a COVID-19 outbreak, with 27 residents and 12 staff having tested positive for the virus last week. (Paul Henderson/ Chilliwack Progress)

LETTER: COVID protocols not practised at downtown homeless shelter

'The Portal has endangered hundreds of people and needs to close'

Just a few words about The Portal on Yale Road. They say that COVID protocols are in place at The Portal. Maybe they are in place, but they are definitely not used.

With 30 plus victims, I think it speaks for its self. Now that it is out in the public eye why did [Ruth and Naomi’s Mission executive director Bill] Raddatz not inform the public sooner? He knew of the outbreak before Christmas. How many children go to school 300 feet away? How many times must we risk the health of our children? Has Mr. Raddatz trained his staff to deal with a contagious disease? Probably not. He has put the whole neighbourhood at risk just so he doesn’t lose money.

READ MORE: Downtown homeless shelter in Chilliwack hit with dozens of COVID-19 cases

Then there is the staff at 7-11 that he has put at risk. Did he inform them that there was an outbreak next door and the staff at 7-11 were at risk? None of this was done. Instead he painted over all the windows so the public could not see inside. Even today as I drove by, masks were still not being worn. Groups are still gathering outside. If security is still present are they wearing the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Are staff wearing proper PPE? Are they trained to handle people and a building with a contagious disease? Is it not his responsibility to protect the neighbourhood or does he get to just shrug off the responsibility?

Why did all the sporting events close? All the pubs and restaurants close? Because they could not control the virus. What is the difference? The Portal has endangered hundreds of people and needs to close.

Peter Scullion

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