The pandemic has reduced the demand for new planes from manufacturers but what will happen when international travel restrictions allow people to vacation abroad? (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson, File)

LETTER: COVID shone spotlight on impact of international travel, Langley writer notes

Will people rethink travel when the pandemic is over, a local resident wonders

Dear Editor,

In the post pandemic, many of us are looking forward to traveling again. But will the pandemic change the way we travel – either for business or leisure?

Reduced air travel due to the COVID lockdown has resulted in a record drop in carbon emissions. An airline ticket is an extremely carbon heavy purchase.

Air travel has only been a thing until fairly recently – not to mention, only a very small percentage of humanity has ever actually flown.

Ideas are being presented to help mitigate air pollution from air travel. One is rationing air travel through quotas, another is implementing annual personal carbon allowances.

Flygskam (flight shame) and the detrimental effects of “overtourism” are current hot topics.

Should we reconsider how, why and where we travel?

Should we take fewer holidays that require air travel?

Should we consider local destinations more frequently?

It’s always nice to get away once in a while, and experience a different culture, etc., but do we need to travel to another continent simply to recharge our batteries?

Also, perhaps we need to enjoy – or even relish – our everyday lives between our holidays.

A quote by Seth Godin comes to mind: “Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”

Michelle Matich, Fernridge


• READ MORE: Transport minister said it’s too early to loosen travel restrictions (May 2021)

• READ MORE: Local MP said travel industry is ‘barely holding on’

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