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LETTER: Creation of ALR blamed for rising house prices

Maple Ridge council needs to do better in planning city's growth to avoid creating ugly areas

Dear Editor,

I read John E. McKenzie’s letter with interest.

[RE: LETTER: Affordable housing appears to be an oxymoron, July 7, The News]

I, too, cannot understand the mentality of council when they approve these unsightly, disgustingly jammed-together housing developments.

Look at 240th Street for example.

Ugly, small overpriced boxes that will become slums within 50 years.

Then what? More expensive tear downs and rebuilds?

Not acceptable.

IN RECENT NEWS: Plan for apartment complex on Lougheed in downtown Maple Ridge

Had it not been for the 1970’s Dave Barrett NDP’s ALR [Agricultural Land Reserve] policy, our land costs would be within reach of the average person.

But now, I cannot imagine paying $600,000 plus for a lot.

As for voting them out: Who would you have replace them?

Good luck John E. McKenzie!

Mike Boileau, Maple Ridge


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