Letter: Credit goes to many for successful program

Many teachers at Oak Bay High School go above and beyond

Re: Teacher takes time to teach youth to Live Different, Oak Bay News, June 22

There are a number of amazing teachers at Oak Bay High School that go above and beyond in order to help make the high school experience a memorable and beneficial one.

Tessa Kubicek and Ben Turner are perfect examples of this.

I’ve been very fortunate to be a part of the Live Different program and see it grow over the last six years. Much of this growth would not be possible without Tessa and Ben.

Tessa was the co-organizer for our 2012 and 2014 trips and Ben was co-organizer for Live Different 2016. They each volunteered an unbelievable amount of hours while also being exceptional role models for the high school students.

I am very proud to see Live Different Oak Bay recognized in the Oak Bay news, as the students who work for 16 months to make the trip a reality never cease to amaze me.

This program would not be possible though without the selfless contributions of Tessa Kubicek and Ben Turner.

Brent Garraway, teacher,

Oak Bay High



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