
Letter: Criminal vandalism must stop

That cross was public property on Nature Conservancy land.

Criminal vandalism must stop

Dear mayor and council:

I sure agree with Mayor Al Siebring’s comments in the July 22 Citizen regarding vandals recently removing our landmark Mount Tzouhalm cross.

That cross was public property on Nature Conservancy land.

It’s believed criminals removed our community’s historic cross for various reasons: retaliation for graves being recently discovered at the former Kuper Island residential school; retaliation for recent criminal torching of a public totem pole on the Malahat Drive; and continued retaliation against various churches that ran Canada’s 130 tragic, nefarious residential schools designed by Ottawa.

There seems no end to revenge rearing its ugly head.

Our mayor rightly points out such vengeful behaviour is nasty, hurtful, and divisive to our community already suffering the resonant effects of those heinous residential schools — and now coupled with vandalism.

Are the police investigating this crime?

Yours in truth and justice,

Peter W. Rusland,

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen