Royal Crescent temporary modular homes opened in October 2018 with 53 studio suites. (The News files)

Royal Crescent temporary modular homes opened in October 2018 with 53 studio suites. (The News files)

LETTER: Critical of Liberal candidates comments on supportive housing

Aspiring Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows MLAs should know there's more to aiding homeless than shelter

Dear Editor,

[Re: Are supportive housing facilities working in Maple Ridge? Oct. 8, The News]

“Support shelters plunked there.” says Cheryl Ashlie.

“People are just staying there,” says Chelsa Meadus.

I couldn’t quite believe the article that appeared on Oct. 8.

To my mind, not one Liberal may dare to comment on the situation we find ourselves in now.

Concentrate instead, dear readers, and take note of the amazing work done tirelessly through a pandemic no less, by all involved in helping with the care of vulnerable adults in our community.

Getting housed doesn’t mean you can start work the next day.

Many people are in need of care and treatment.

They have complex medical and psychological needs.

This is all available but takes time and healing is a process.

Please note that the Salvation Army continued to serve up bagged lunches through lockdown.

Without them, so many people would have faced starvation.

Support them!

The article would appear that we have forsaken the vulnerable in our community. Many people will not let that happen, I believe the NDP will continue to work hard for them.

Natasha Etherington, Pitt Meadows



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Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News