
Letter: CVRD directors’ responses disappointing

He identified several of the CVRD directors as "getting it"

CVRD directors’ responses disappointing

On June 29 of this year I had the opportunity to watch a show titled Seattle is Dying.

This is an editorial produced by a KOMO 4 reporter who spent months walking the streets, parks and alleys of Seattle capturing pictures, conducting interviews with people of all walks of life and requesting that the Seattle police officers complete an anonymous survey. The reason for this anonymous survey was because every police office felt that they would lose their police jobs if their names and answers were published.

Since this video deals with human problems that also affect many of our own communities; I thought I should send this information to the chair of the CVRD.

Was I surprised when I received his response. First of all, he informed me that the video is over a year old and secondly he had also requested that each CVRD director watch and learn from what this video detailed.

What shocked me in his response was that he identified several of the CVRD directors as “getting it” — that being the solution to this massive drug problem — while other directors described the video as “Trumpian”.

What I do fine difficult to believe is that we have elected people who outwardly show their bias, hatefulness and ignorance by relating a video showing problems and solutions to a person that has or had nothing to do with what this video portrays.

In fact, the solution to the problems identified in this video was put together by what is described as four very bright, caring and thoughtful women.

The directors who opening display this kind of bias and hatred should immediately remove themselves from office and if they don’t then the remaining CVRD directors should chastise them until they are either removed voluntarily or by election.

Greg Whynacht


Cowichan Valley Citizen