
Letter: CVRD should not be helping people buy wood stoves

CVRD offes to help people burn more wood using stoves that will increase amount of carbon in the air

CVRD should not be helping people buy wood stoves

CVRD once again is offering rebates for new wood stoves. These new stoves will improve air quality — a serious health issue. But wait, CVRD has declared a climate emergency — a much much bigger health and social and economic issue.

And so again we see the failure to act appropriately on a recognized “emergency” by our “leaders”. CVRD offes to help people burn more wood using stoves that will increase the amount of carbon in the air, increase the severity of climate change events like massive forest fires and, of course, increase the warming of our planet until our kids’ futures go up in smoke.

It is to weep.

Peter Nix

Cowichan Carbon Buster

Cowichan Valley Citizen