Letter: Dangerous activities on the lake

Chainsaw-sounding noise music, paired with…constantly driving circles around other boats to use their waves just doesn’t seem to add up.

To the editor:

As an elderly and once adventurous lady (I myself used to once be an avid waterskier, and barefooter), I find it rather disturbing that the majority of today’s lake users somehow find it amusing, entertaining and an overall drunken experience to indulge themselves in this so-called sport of boat surfing.

When most boaters use the lake to enjoy a peaceful, family atmosphere, there are some who constantly choose to abuse these settings. Loud, obnoxious, chainsaw-sounding noise music, paired with dangerously close proximity of propeller contact, constantly driving circles around other boats to use their waves just doesn’t seem to add up.

Coming from a personal experience, my grand daughter nearly lost her fingers while they were tangled up in the tow line, which she later informed me that a tow line is not needed? What kind of absurd behaviour is this? If you’re not attached to the boat, what’s stopping your head from being de-attached from your body?

This is not even a reality and more of a safety concern and should be policed by our waterway authorities. My goodness.

I’m sure almost none of these boaters even have licenses, and on top of all this, most of them aren’t even wearing life preservers.

In today’s day and age, and past events like Wave Fest and now Center of Gravity promoting such shenanigans, I’m not certain where the negative influences stop.

The amount of fuel that constantly is being dumped into the lake just astounds me from the boats that tip sideways and leak it overboard. As my husband informs me, the amount of fish have decreased severely over the past 15 years, since the introduction of these obese vessels.

I have been a local lakeside resident for 37 years and my shoreline has been the main victim of erosion to this activity. In the past four years I have had detrimental pier damage and countless headaches caused from my husband’s frustrated repairs. Baby geese no longer enjoy the swim across my waterfront, as their surroundings have been constantly ruined with these waves.

I’m not sure what is the problem with today’s youth in finding enjoyment out of others downfalls, and the expense of our environment. I nicely ask you to refrain from such activities and pastimes, and in return, enjoy what the Okanagan has to offer. Waterskiing has been available for years and should be chosen as the safe alternative.

Frans Jacobsen,



Kelowna Capital News