Letter: Dangerous dogs need to be controlled

Dog problems everywhere, due to irresponsible owners. A young child was mauled by one recently in the Cowichan Valley.

Dog problems everywhere, due to irresponsible owners. A young child was mauled by one recently in the Cowichan Valley.

There’s a fallacy in merely requiring a dog be kept inside a fence or tied up – they get loose.

I’ve seen dogs get past poorly maintained fences, and a dog almost able to leap over the fence (fortunately too old and overweight to make it, but I think the owner was at best ignorant). I saw a dog that was tied to a weighted tire get loose and attack another dog, because it pulled the tire along the paved driveway which wore the rope through.

We have enough trouble with deranged humans, we don’t need vicious dogs around.

Keith SketchleySaanich



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