LETTER – Dangerous ‘Lazo Loop’ stretch of road an accident waiting to happen

Dear editor;

Dear editor;

I would like to strongly support the letter by Norm Wiens regarding paving of the “Lazo Loop” (It’s time to put paved shoulders on Knight Road and Lazo Road in Comox).

Living near Kye Bay, I frequently walk, bike, and drive up and down the hill which leads to Point Holmes from Knight Road. With the increased pedestrian, bicycle and automobile traffic, it has become a very dangerous corner/hill indeed. I often see automobiles passing pedestrian and bicycle traffic (or both) on their way up the hill when it is patently unsafe to do so. I have, on several occasions, had to slam on my breaks when coming down the hill in the opposite direction to avoid hitting cars that passed on the blind hill (no, I don’t exceed 30 km/h there); I have often seen bicyclists almost pushed over as two vehicles didn’t give way on that narrow stretch of road. It is an accident waiting to happen. I really hope that a serious injury or death isn’t what is required before the area is made safe for all users – including pedestrians.

Rob Benson,


Comox Valley Record