Letter: Day in the life on home-by-5 battlefields

What a nutty world. Northern Ireland all over again—just keep the hate going—no solution—good for the weapon manufacturing companies.

To the editor:

Good news: The USA is shipping a gift of $225 million worth of new defence missiles. This will enable Israel to protect herself from stray missiles from the Palestinians and at the same time keep bombing the schools and power stations as well as civilians in Gaza.

We know that the Palestinians have their missile supply, probably from Iran, Iraq or from North Korea if not China, so the show will continue.

Picture this: A Palestinian soldier (terrorist of course) comes home to his wife and she asks him: “How was your day, dear? “Oh,” he says, “we managed to send some missiles across the border but we know not what we hit—we are not that accurate yet.”

Then picture this: An Israeli jet fighter pilot (hero of course) comes home to his wife. She asks him how his day was. He replies: “We did six sorties and left eight tonnes of bombs—two schools, four buildings of civilians and one power house.” She asks him not how many children or other civilians he killed.

So, may we ask: “How was your day?”

What a nutty world. Northern Ireland all over again—just keep the hate going—no solution—good for the weapon manufacturing companies.

Oh, Mr. Obama—could we please have a new shipment of laser guided bombs—we used the last ones up yesterday.

Jorgen Hansen,



Kelowna Capital News