LETTER: Deal vital to making Langley’s 16th Avenue safer

Steve Ferguson writes that 'safety is of paramount importance' when it comes to 16th Avenue safety.

Dear Editor,

I applaud the efforts of Councillor Charlie Fox in his quest to promote absolute safety for the 16th Avenue corridor.

Having more traffic lights and larger pull-outs for emergency vehicles cannot do anything but improve the 16th Avenue roadway, not just for the sake of those residents living in South Langley/Aldergrove but also for those people who travel the road on a regular basis.

Now the funding issue – that indeed is a concern. Langley Township without the benefit of a multi-million dollar windfall in casino revenues cannot possibly afford all of the major necessary improvements needed immediately. (I believe Richmond, Burnaby, and Coquitlam receive over $10 million a years, whilst Langley City around $6 million/year, none of which goes to Township of Langley residents.)

I believe, and I have spoken with Councillor Charlie Fox about this, that having the 16th Avenue corridor from Surrey all the way out to Abbotsford taken over by the Province of British Columbia, as part of the provincial highways network would be a win-win solution for all parties involved.

How could this be accomplished? Sit down with all parties: City of Surrey, Langley Township, City of Abbotsford, Ministers Rich Coleman and Mary Polak, and work out a deal. Establish a fully functional working committee, set timelines, include the public, and get it done.

There are at least three mayor highways running through Surrey, Langley, and Abbotsford.

There are four border crossings. MPs are suggesting that Aldergrove be opened 24 hours. New interchanges are coming to Langley and Abbotsford, and people are moving out to the Valley in droves.

Safety is of paramount importance in the equation.

We owe it to the folks who live within that corridor – and those who travel that corridor on a regular basis.

The time for action on 16th Avenue is now.

Steve Ferguson and family, South Langley

Langley Advance