LETTER: Dealing with climate change

A response to the Nov. 26 letter entitled 'Climate change exists - deal with it.'


This letter is in response to Vivian Bertrand’s letter on Nov. 26, entitled “Climate change exists – deal with it”.

Climate change is a constant over geologic time. Without it life would be pretty boring. I deal with it all the time. When spring turns to summer I insure my vintage pickup, turn up the tunes and enjoy the lengthening days. When fall turns to winter, I dig out coat and gloves. The latest snowstorm in Buffalo, New York was just that, fall turning to winter. It happens every 12 months or so.

The fact is this is largely a “lake effect” – evaporated moisture from the Great Lakes meeting cold air en route to shore. Ontario was lucky this time due to wind direction. I’ve been there when luck was on the side of the Americans.

Anthropogenic global warming is a theory based on flawed and incomplete models. It is now conveniently termed “climate change” since the warming, like a spoiled child, is not obeying the 12,000 peer-reviewed (or shall we say peer-pressured) articles Ms. Bertrand mentions. For those who know what the scientific method is, what we have so far is a hypothesis, a conjecture based on limited knowledge.

How many of us believe in anthropogenic global warming without having scrutinized even one of those 12,000 articles? When are we going to confront whoever tells us it is scientifically proven, and demand proof? And if they cannot provide it, ask them about their agenda, and why we should believe it blindly? Are we lemmings?

Ms. Bertrand, I agree with Tom Fletcher. If you want to change our minds, simply provide us with evidence that stands up to the scientific method. You won’t, because you can’t, because there is none.

Perhaps your religious zeal for environmentalism prohibits you from searching for truth.


Eric van Steenis, Abbotsford

Abbotsford News