Letter: Delayed Glendenning parking ban review lacks framework

At the Saanich council meeting on Jan. 15, the parks sought further direction from council for Mount Douglas Park parking review.

At the Saanich council meeting on Jan. 15, the parks department sought further direction from council for the proposed Mount Douglas Park parking review.

The department’s report to council estimated an eight to nine month review period, with a tentative reporting date of November 2016.

At the meeting, I spoke on two issues.

The first issue addressed was the lack of any apparent framework for the proposed methodology: no context; no vision; no objectives; no nothing.

But council seemed happy enough, so we’ll just have to wait and see how that turns out.

Secondly, I requested that council consider suspending the parking ban for the duration of the review for two reasons.

Firstly, in my opinion, senior management has never provided substantive justification for their unilateral imposition of the parking ban without input or discussion by park visitors.

Secondly, a large number of park visitors are still very angry about the ban.

During their subsequent debate, council declined to reconsider the original decision by management.

However, much to their credit, both Mayor Richard Atwell and Coun. Colin plant did protest the lengthy 14 month delay between the original presentation to council and the estimated presentation of the final report in approximately December 2016.

So, at this point, if you’re a park visitor whose routine has been inconvenienced and disrupted by the ban; well, sorry, but you’re just out of luck.

And if you think the interests, needs and concerns of residents should take precedent over the protection of senior managers; well, so sad, too bad.

However, if you do believe council is truly accountable to the people, then there’s a bit of good news.

Circle the following date: November, 2018.

It’ll be here in the blink of an eye.

Dave PojeSaanich


Saanich News