LETTER: Demanding the suppression of Fletcher columns constitutes censorship

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I am concerned that some readers find Mr. Fletcher’s columns so disturbing and offensive that they are demanding that Black Press cease printing his columns. This is requesting censorship.

Disagree with him if you will, don’t read his columns if you find him offensive, but don’t call to have his columns suppressed.

Mr. Fletcher appears to be a contrarian and I think he delights in expressing his views and finding facts that confirm his position, thus shaking up a lot of people that are quite rigid in their opinions. If they were not facts, you can be sure that he and this paper would be sued for vast quantities of money.

Please ensure your superiors that a lot of us readers really enjoy Mr. Fletcher’s columns plus those by other authors and we hope that they will continue.

Mr. Fletcher does not appear to dispute that planet is getting warmer, just that it is not human caused. Many learned people hold the same opinion such as Tim Bell, climatologist and Patrick Moore, a former Green Peace activist. What really rankles me is that our governments have used the excuse of human caused global warming to seize the opportunity for implementation of a carbon tax in a mistaken belief such a tax will dramatically reduce consumption of fossil fuels.

Maybe it’s just a cash grab?

Len Paulovich


Comox Valley Record