Letter: Design flaw with roundabouts

(Redesign) would need some more room as well as acceleration lanes, but it would definitely make the use of them a heck of a lot simpler.

To the editor:

Some guy from England made it over to the North American continent a while back and in his back pocket he brought along the plans for roundabouts.

I am not sure if it actually happened that way, however, those things seem to pop up almost everywhere lately.

Some people are totally against roundabouts, others think they are the best thing since sliced bread. Well, they do have some benefits—that can’t be argued with.

But how they are built, seems to be an arguable point. The ones that I have seen and used so far are all too small.

That’s why they all have a “soft” shoulder on the inside so you can drive over it if needed (large vehicles).

But in my opinion they should be built differently. For a right hand turn from one road into the other, you should not have to enter the circle at all.

All 90 degree righthand turns should have their own lane without entering the roundabout.

It would need some more room as well as acceleration lanes, but it would definitely make the use of them a heck of a lot simpler.

Roger von Dach,



Kelowna Capital News