Letter: Detailed police response to anonymous ‘know-it-all’

Police become so used to these know-it-alls who, in reality, know very little, that officers generally ignore the stupidity…

To the editor:

A salute to Constable Clack of the Road Safety Unit for taking the time to write a well composed letter that appeared in the July 25 Capital News. (Day In The Life of a Traffic Police Officer)

He responded to “Anonymous Writer” who had no idea of what went on during traffic enforcement at the city dump. (Police Nab Yard Workers at Landfill Bottleneck, July 18 Capital News.) He wrote a detailed explanation of how an initial stop for an equipment violation turned into a much more serious investigation.

Also noted was the fact that traffic enforcement does make the road safer for everyone. Police become so used to these know-it-alls who, in reality, know very little, that officers generally ignore the stupidity and get on with their work.

Anything written by  people signing as “anonymous” certainly is suspect from the beginning. It sounds like “Anonymous Writer” has a problem with authority.

I wonder what his driving record is like?

Bob Sherman,



Kelowna Capital News