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LETTER: Deterrent must be stronger for scofflaws from U.S.

Regarding people from the U.S. who are supposed to head straight to Alaska after crossing the border and get caught sightseeing, how do we collect these fines?

Regarding people from the U.S. who are supposed to head straight to Alaska after crossing the border and get caught sightseeing, how do we collect these fines?

Do they pay on the spot or do we expect them to remit the payment by a certain date? If the latter, do we really think they are going to do so?

READ MORE: Your letters here

Obviously the Canadian authorities want us to believe they are taking meaningful steps to discourage the illegal behaviour and have recently sent a family back south for blatantly ignoring the law . There should be more of this type of enforcement as I doubt fines which can probably be ignored without consequence will prove to be much of a deterrent.

I’m just sayin’.

Rod Sharpe

Qualicum Beach


Parksville Qualicum Beach News