Illustration of the proposed Cordova Bay shopping centre and condo buildings, looking at the redesigned intersection of Cordova Bay and Doumac roads.

Illustration of the proposed Cordova Bay shopping centre and condo buildings, looking at the redesigned intersection of Cordova Bay and Doumac roads.

LETTER: Development will benefit Cordova Bay

As a resident of Cordova Bay, I am happy to see the Cordova Bay Plaza development finally going forward. It will be nice to have a decently sized grocery store and other amenities within walking distance so I don't have to get in my car and create more traffic (Red Barn is great, but it certainly doesn't offer sufficient selection so that one can do a 'regular' grocery shop there).

As a resident of Cordova Bay, I am happy to see the Cordova Bay Plaza development finally going forward. It will be nice to have a decently sized grocery store and other amenities within walking distance so I don’t have to get in my car and create more traffic (Red Barn is great, but it certainly doesn’t offer sufficient selection so that one can do a ‘regular’ grocery shop there).

I have not talked to any neighbours who are opposed to the development as presented (most seem quite happy about it), so I am wondering how the ’70 per cent opposed to’ figure that is often cited was derived. Was this an actual properly run pol of residents, or just a count of those who strongly object and therefore tend to have a larger presence at meetings, in social media, letters, etc..

Also, as far as traffic concerns go, in my commute to work, I notice that the bulk of the traffic along Cordova Bay Road is not local, but rather those who use the road as a route from the Saanich Peninsula to UVic, Gordon Head, etc., and vice versa. Therefore, I don’t think adding more housing to Cordova Bay is really going to have that much of an impact (that’s just my unscientific observation though, so I would be curious to see the results of a proper traffic count on that issue).

Janet McPherson


Saanich News