LETTER: Dianne Watts shows commitment to community

Watts is a dynamic leader and politician…

To the Editor,

Re: Editorial-BC Liberal Party has lost touch with constituents

Dianne Watts is the first to admit that many of the issues that affect our communities have fallen short of expectations. I think that we should commend anyone that steps up to the plate and acknowledges that it could have been done better. I was a guest at the “meet and greet.” Questions were both invited and encouraged by any one in attendance.

There was only one representive from our First Nations at the meet and greet. All the band offices were sent invitations to attend. I suggest that this would have been a perfect venue to direct specific questions regarding First Nations issues to Dianne.

These issues are complex and it’s going to be interesting to see how the NDP coalition government and our MLA are going to address them. Scott (Fraser) has a big job ahead of him and I wish him well. So far there has been no action plan of any substance that has been provided by his office.

I would conclude this “letter to the editor” with an example of Dianne Watts’ commitment to community. It relates to the gang violence and related crime in Surrey when she was mayor.

As a listener, she solicited community and police input regarding the magnitude of the situation and invited solutions. The end result was the establishment of a gang task force and the hiring of addition police resources to focus on the violence. A dynamic leader and politician who shared credit with all who participated in this community crime prevention program.

Wayne Mossman,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News