Letter: Difficult to adapt to bus route change

Sadly, city officials did not seem to care about the change (in transit route) or how it would affect people…

To the editor:

There is a saying in life that goes “you can’t win them all.” The unveiling of the new transit schedule reminds me further of this saying.

Back in May of this year, I had written an editorial to this paper expressing concerns of the altering of the No. 8 route. The new route will take the No. 8 off of Ethel.

As a person who is blind, this change would have somewhat of an effect on my bus travel but I raised concerns through letters to the city and this paper that this change would also have an impact to those that live at Cottonwoods.

Sadly, the city officials did not seem to care about the change or how it would affect people even though a suggestion was made of how the Ethel portion could be included and still incorporate the addition to the hospital pick up. There is no choice on my part but to accept the change that is about to come with the new route.

I have the following observations I would like to share.

First: I was extremely disappointed with the response from city council who also received my letters of concern. Out of the eight councillors, only one had the consideration to respond back. Thanks Councillor Stack for taking the time out to acknowledge my letter.

I was not expecting council to reverse the decision. I would have liked my elected representatives to have at least acknowledged the issue. I will return the favour to the incumbents on November the 15th. Thanks for nothing.

I used to believe that Kelowna was a caring community for the most part. This transit issue has taught me otherwise. The response back I got from the city official on this issue was full of stats and it even highlighted the fact that my next bus stop was only 150 meters.

The author of this correspondence failed to mention that I will now need to cross Richter which will ramp up the danger for myself.

I guess our city people are not paid to care.

Finally, to those passengers, please do not take it out on the drivers when you find out that the No. 8 no longer goes down Ethel. They are not the decision makers.

Bill Mah,



Kelowna Capital News