Letter: Disappointed in decision

How unfortunate and embarrassing that the City of Williams Lake did not rescind its Celebrate Life Week proclamation.


How unfortunate and embarrassing that the City of Williams Lake did not rescind its Celebrate Life Week proclamation in spite of public outcry.

This mayor and council have again made Williams Lake the laughing stock of the province.

They could have been champions for change, but decided to appease a church group at the sake of other’s fundamental rights.

They claim that they do not endorse the groups that they approve proclamations for?

Then what is the point of voting?

They will approve anything without considering the source? Seems typical of a small town.

This battle is far from over. I have marked my 2015 calendar.

Some have suggested a Pro-Choice week, with this mayor and council I suggest a “Roll Back Your Rights Week.”

My last point is this: If you tried not to offend people by carefully, thoughtfully wording a document to make it palatable for the general public … it could be easily assumed that you have “covered up” the real agenda.

Carrie Julius

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune