Letter: Discuss platforms in May B.C. election

Can we not get on with discussing and comparing the actual platforms of both the Liberals and the NDP?

To the editor:

All governing parties including the NDP (when they were the government) target tax dollars to specific taxpayer (voter) groups. It happens all the time re: seniors, students, families, rural, urban, etc., not just ethnic groups.

The issue in all of this for me and many other voters is that such a political document came out of the Premier’s [Christie Clark] offices instead of BC Liberal Party Campaign offices.

That is wrong! Correctly, Kim Haakstad, (Premier Christie Clark’s deputy chief of staff) resigned with no severance which will hopefully serve as a warning to all now and in the future.

By the way, has the media already forgotten Mr. Adrian Dix misleading a police investigation when he was principal secretary to then-premier Glen Clark? I believe he resigned with a full severance package.

Can we not get on with discussing and comparing the actual platforms of both the Liberals and the NDP?

Vivian Turgeon,

Lake Country


Kelowna Capital News