Abbeyfield House in Courtenay. Photo by Google Images

Abbeyfield House in Courtenay. Photo by Google Images

LETTER: Dismayed at closure of Abbeyfield House

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

As an older and lower income person, I am dismayed that Abbeyfield House in Courtenay has been closed, and the 10 senior residents transferred to larger institutions.

In this day of incredible housing shortages, especially for the vulnerable, how can this happen? Are people aware that the City of Courtenay donated the land just over 20 years ago? And that in the last decade St John the Divine Anglican Church responded to a request for $100,000 from the then-board of Abbeyfield to “pay down the mortgage?”

If this valuable property in central Courtenay is sold, and the money donated to the Comox Valley Foundation, does that provide replacement housing?

What options for smaller, family-style housing will I have when I can no longer live on my farm?

Susan Holvenstot


Comox Valley Record