Letter: Dog owners still shirk their doo-doo duty

Come on, animal lovers, scoop it and put the bag into the garbage.

To the editor:

It is nice when dog owners take responsibility for their pet’s ‘waste,’ stooping to scoop it into those little plastic bags, then putting said bag into the garbage.

This complaint might not relate to any other neighbourhood, but here in Quail Ridge (where I go for a walk almost every morning)I routinely see small plastic bags containing something, tied and left in the grass beside the sidewalk. But this particular morning, someone tied up a little bag and left it right in the middle of the sidewalk.

I will admit that I did not open it to see what was inside, but I’m pretty sure it contained dog crap.

Come on, animal lovers—scoop it and put the bag into the garbage.

Ed Copeman,


Kelowna Capital News