A dog visits the White Rock promenade. (File photo)

A dog visits the White Rock promenade. (File photo)

LETTER: Dogs pose threat to elderly and disabled



Being a lifetime animal lover, I have always favoured large, friendly dogs. However, as a citizen of White Rock, I have chosen not to have a dog because there is no place for them to run free where the public is not exposed to significant risk from them. So the furor surrounding council’s proposal to allow dogs on the promenade is of some personal interest.

The promenade is the only place remaining in White Rock where dogs are not allowed. It is therefore the only place where people can feel comfortable that they are not going to be attacked or bitten.

Early most mornings throughout the year I take exercise on the prom.

After some 15 years, it is abundantly clear that the extreme threat they pose to old and disabled people, children, joggers, unsuspecting visitors and the public in general, dictates that dogs must never be allowed on the promenade.

The importance of public safety is paramount, as is the immediate threat to wildlife from dogs, driven by their ungovernable natural instincts, attacking the wildlife. If dogs are allowed on the promenade, the wildlife will be forced away permanently, as will many of its human proponents.

My other reason for writing is to express disgust at the arrogance and dismissive attitude of Coun. Scott Kristjanson, who claims to listen to everybody but, in fact, is listening to nobody. It beggars belief that an elected councillor will dissemble and attempt to distort facts in a self-serving effort to justify a knee-jerk decision by council to submit to a fanatical pressure group. This was done with the full knowledge that the administration and previous council had been resisting that same lobby group for many years, and was in the process of expanding the existing signage prohibiting dogs from the promenade.

Like many local citizens, I voted all of the present council into power, basically on the highrise issue. But having seen them in action, I am dismayed at the inexperience, naiveté and lack of constructive reasoning they are displaying on other issues. The lack of depth and wisdom being demonstrated by council already begs the question of which of them will be worthy of our vote next time around.

Thomas White, White Rock

Peace Arch News