LETTER: Don Henley’s timeless music

I can appreciate Dale’s point of view though I don’t know if I would have agreed with his review if I had seen the concert.

I write to thank Dale Boyd for his review of the Don Henley concert (Western News, July 15, Henley’s hits and misses) which I could not afford to attend, the prices being a bit steep for me.

As a fan of The Eagles first of all and a fan of some of Henley’s music, I can appreciate Dale’s point of view though I don’t know if I would have agreed with his review if I had seen the concert.

I saw Don years ago when Susanna Hoffs of The Bangles opened for him, at that time she was my main reason for going to the concert though I likely was aware of Don’s solo and Eagles output.  I am glad I saw him then, I never saw Glenn nor the Eagles as a whole but there are live CDs and videos for those who couldn’t be at concerts in person.

I appreciate the whole range of The Eagles and some of Don’s best solo work such as The Heart of the Matter.  The merging of their voices in song, the writing,  the guitars, drums etc make their music as timeless, for me, as that of the best songs by The Beatles.

Patrick Longworth





Penticton Western News