
LETTER: Don’t let Emanicipation Day result in the end of B.C. Day

Federal government should have known important dates conflicted, letter writer says

Dear Editor:

Re: Abolition of Slavery in Canada Emancipation Day clashes with B.C. Day.

Recently, Canada’s federal politicians voted unanimously to create Emancipation Day acknowledging the end of the slavery in the British Colonies. However, before doing so they should have done their homework because Emancipation Day happens to be on B.C. Day, which is Aug. 1, or is the nearest weekend to Aug. 1.

Canada’s federal politicians should have known that B.C. Day coincides with Emancipation Day. Having Emancipation Day on B.C. Day does neither day justice. I am willing to concede B.C. Day to Emancipation Day, and so should all British Columbians. Emancipation Day is far more important than B.C. Day, but B.C. Day should not be forgotten. Besides, I am not wiling to sweep B.C. Day under the proverbial rug and forget about it.

Recently, I wrote to British Columbia’s Premier John Horgan, and I asked Premier Horgan to consult with the rest of B.C.’s provincial politicians regarding picking another day to celebrate BC Day on. I sincerely hope that next year British Columbians will be able to experience B.C. Day and Emancipation Day on separate days enabling British Columbians to reflect on each Day in their own way.

Linda Meyer, Maple Ridge


• READ MORE: B.C. Day quiz


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