Letter: Don’t locate major tourist info centre in park

Please do not use up precious parkland to house an information bureau. There must be many other sites available for that purpose.

Open letter to Kelowna City Park planners:

I have attempted to access your survey on plans to change the City Park but it is now closed for comment.

I have lived here since 1964 and have enjoyed taking my children to play and swim in the park and am thankful for this treasure which we have to hold dear.

I take note of your safety concerns and attempts to provide a variety of activities there. Please also provide for passive uses where one can rest and relax enjoying the scenery.

My one big worry is that you want to put a large building in the park to relocate the Visitor Information offices. That seems to me to be a very bad idea, not only for the precious land on which the building would be located, but think of all the information seekers who would be driving into the park, not to enjoy the park but to do business.

Please abandon this idea.

The only building you should be considering is a small place where people can buy ice-cream or perhaps hot dogs or drinks.

There used to be a restaurant there but that eventually was turned over to house city staff—another very questionable use of City Park.

Again, please do not use up precious parkland to house an information bureau. There must be many other sites available for that purpose.

Mary Blumer,



Kelowna Capital News