Letter: Don’t need to renew ties with ‘medieval, barbaric’ countries

Don't we have enough oil of our own that we don't need to pander to countries with medieval and barbaric mindsets?

To the editor:

Two news stories on the Internet this morning caught my eye and made me seriously wonder about our politicians.

First, Stephane Dion, our Foreign Affairs Minister, has announced that our government has taken the first steps to renew ties with Iran. For what purpose, he doesn’t say, but my guess is that it involves oil and money.

Second, a senior cleric in Iran has announced that the dried-up rivers in his country are because too many of their women aren’t “modestly covering themselves” with veils and burkas “like they should be doing.”

Really? This is a country with which we want to do business? This is a country with which we wish to be friendly? Don’t we have enough oil of our own that we don’t need to pander to countries with medieval and barbaric mindsets? Countries who sponsor terrorism all over the world?

Sure, Stephen Harper has his faults. But, with Justin Trudeau at the helm, how is this better? And for whom?

Lloyd Vinish, Kelowna


Kelowna Capital News