Letter: Don’t throw rocks, Mr. Dalton

Liberal candidate called for Conservatives to rescind candidacy.

Editor, The News:

Re: B.C. Conservative candidate responds to Liberals’ release of Facebook posts.

I have to say I should be, but am rarely surprised with the level of hypocrisy that a lot of politicians will go to to get elected.

Marc Dalton found it stunning that the Conservatives or any political party would allow a person like Trevor Hamilton to represent them in our riding.

I reviewed Mr. Hamilton’s comments and would encourage others to do the same, and agree that they are offensive and he should be taken to task on them.

My issue is that if Mr. Dalton believes that the B.C. Conservative Party should rescind Mr. Hamilton’s candidacy, then should the B.C. Liberals hold Mr. Dalton to the same standards?

The article led me to review comments, mentioned in the article, that Mr. Dalton made in the past, that upon review, compares homosexuality to other behaviors and acts that most of society would not condone.

He went on to say:

“There are other moral issues that large segments of our society do not see eye to eye: gambling, adultery, pornography. I believe that homosexuality fits in this category.”

My question to Mr. Dalton is that, would he agree that he and his party should be held to the same standards as the ones he expects from others, and if the B.C. Conservatives in fact do rescind Mr. Hamilton’s candidacy for past offensive comments he made, would he in fact hold himself up to these same standards?

Yeah, right.

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks.

Dennis Kinsey

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News