Letter: Dragging dog behind bike in the heat could kill it

If dog owners cannot be trusted to care for their pets then we need a bylaw that can be enforced to protect the animals.

To the editor:

Last week at 2 p.m. in the afternoon with a temperature of 28 C, I witnessed a senseless act of animal abuse that needs to be addressed.

Sadly, it’s not the first nor will it be the last time that such a thing takes place—a young woman riding her bicycle with a black dog on a leash trying desperately to keep pace with her.

Had I not been traveling in the opposite direction, I would have stopped and asked how she could explain such cruel behaviour towards her pet.  I can only hope the dog made it home before collapsing with heat stroke.

Is it possible that anyone can be so ignorant? If they truly believe their dog is having ‘fun’ under these conditions, I have a suggestion for them. Try running a marathon during the hottest time of the day, barefoot, while being towed along with no opportunity to slow down or have a drink of water.

Where is their common sense?  If dog owners cannot be trusted to care for their pets in a responsible manner then we need a bylaw that can be enforced to protect the animals. This type of behaviour is criminal and needs to be identified as such.


Jean Bolderson, Kelowna



Kelowna Capital News