Letter: Driver almost another 16 Ave. statistic

Driver’s risky left nearly turned writer into another
16 Avenue statistic

Editor: On May 12, I almost became another statistic on 16 Avenue.  I was coming home from shopping around 5:30 p.m., driving west on 16 Avenue when I entered the left turn lane at  240 Street, about to turn south.

There was an incredibly long, unbroken line of traffic coming from the west and I waited for several minutes until there was a short break in the traffic. I noticed a car on the north side of 240 Street, who seemed to be edging out, I assumed for a better view of oncoming traffic.

As the traffic broke, I started my left hand turn onto 240 Street.

At that moment the car on the north side of 240 Street ran the stop sign and pulled out, cutting me off in traffic as he turned left onto 16 Avenue in front of me.

I almost hit him, and he leaned out of his window to give me the finger and shout obscenities as he went by.

I was now stopped in the middle of the eastbound lane of 16 Avenue with traffic bearing down on me. Several vehicles slammed on their brakes, and I managed to get off 16 Avenue onto 240 Street by the skin of my teeth.

That man almost caused a multiple car accident on 16 Avenue.  What he did was illegal. Although it doesn’t excuse his actions, he was probably fed up waiting to turn left onto 16 Avenue. I could have told him that this action is almost impossible in rush hour on 16 Avenue.

He accomplished it by putting my life — and the lives of several others — at risk.

To the mayor and council — enough already. I know that there are budgetary considerations, but we’re talking about people’s lives. How much are they worth?

We need traffic lights, and we need them now — not phased in over eight years. One idiot put my life and other lives at risk.

I wasn’t able to get his licence number, but he was wearing a safety vest and driving a small car, and he had a very foul mouth.

You can’t legislate stupid — all you can do is make it safer for the rest of us.

Trudy Handel,


Langley Times