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Submit letters to the editor through our website, via email or in writing.

LETTER: Driver irked by seeing students ignore COVID-19 protocols

Letter writer concerned schools aren't doing enough to keep students and society safer

Dear Editor,

Over the past few weeks I have driven by Maple Ridge Secondary during lunch and when school lets out, and have been shocked by the numbers of students gathering closely together and most not wearing masks.

Do they not understand that they are potentially spreading a virus that can kill?

Are they still so ignorant and if so, how is this possible?

• READ MORE: “It is a pandemic’: B.C. health minister defends school plan, but cases are inevitable

And why aren’t there staff members out there making it clear the danger in which they are putting themselves and their families?

The irresponsibility is stunning and disgusting.

There simply must be repercussions for schools that are not enforcing guidelines when students are on school property and not suitably masked or social distancing.

Catherine Schreiber, Maple Ridge



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Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows News