LETTER: Drivers have no time to waste in Penticton

Please pay attention and drive safely. Trust me, you will feel better for doing it.

Most drivers have no time to waste driving in today’s busy lifestyle.

Many corners seem be cut by most drivers. There was a time when drivers had the time to drive safely at the posted speed limits. However, they no longer feel that they have the time for driving safely.

Time is so short now that no one has the time to stop at stop signs even if it is not clear to proceed.

If you are making a left turn watch out for the vehicle behind you, because they don’t have the time to stay in the lane, they will sharply swing to the right and try and go around you in the parking lane or on the shoulder of the road. Safe driving is a concept most drivers have no time to do anymore.

Where is our policing of traffic? I guess they have no time for this trivial time-wasting stuff anymore.

It sure would be nice if we could take a few seconds of time out of our busy lives to improve safety for all, and be a little more courteous to our fellow drivers, riders, and pedestrians.

Please pay attention and drive safely. Trust me, you will feel better for doing it.

Ken Schmidt




Penticton Western News